Castles in Japan, the power of one nation

Let's touch on the architecture of the Far East and particularly to castles in Japan, these truly beautiful objects of the Middle Ages in this very exotic country. Japanese architecture in the Middle Ages:

Nijo Castle is plain castle located in Kyoto, Japan. The castle consists of two concentric rings of fortifications, the ruins of the palace Honmaru, other public institutions and several gardens. The area of the castle is 275,000 square meters, of which 8000 square meters are occupied by the buildings.

Osaka Castle - one of the most famous castles in Japan, plays an important role in the unification of Japan during the sixteenth century. The main tower of Osaka Castle is located on a plot of approximately one kilometer. It is built on two raised platforms, standing on solid stone surrounded by a moat.

Nagoya Castle is a stronghold, constructed in early Edo period of the Tokugawa ruling family. He is considered as one of the most significant castles in Japan.

Himeji Castle is a complex of 83 buildings situated on a hill in Prefecture Himeji Hiogu. Bookmark and Share

Top 10 castles in Japan photo gallery

Edo castle
Fushimi castle
hikone jo castle
Himeji castle
Inuyama castle
Matsumoto castle
Nagoya castle
Nijo castle
Osaka castle
wakayama castle

Historical and architectural facts about castles in Japan

Fortress is considered one of the best preserved of the feudal period of Japan. Castle is better known as Hakuro-Jo  or translate White Egret as its exterior shines in white, like a bird in flight.

Fushimi Castle, also known as Momoyama Castle in Kyoto. The present structure of the restoration in 1964. The construction of the original castle was started in 1592 after the retirement of Hideyoshi from the regency, and was completed in 1594. Twenty provinces have sent building workers, who numbered between 20,000 and 30,000 people. The castle was meant to be a place of peace talks between Hideyoshi Chinese diplomats who sought to be a peaceful solution in the Seven Years' War in Korea, but an earthquake destroyed the castle entirely only two years after its completion.

Inuyama Castle called Hakutei (White Emperor) because of its regal splendor, especially the central tower of Inuyama. This is the oldest Japanese castle never destroyed and more than 500 years. Located on a hill above the river  Kiso in the prefecture of Aichi.

Matsumoto Castle facade is magnificent in a brilliant ebony and is one of the most ancient attractions in Japan. On the second floor there is a museum with an extraordinary collection of medieval weapons. In the narrow windows of the castle visitors can enjoy the amazing views of the Japanese mountains. A moat in front of the castle walls in peace swans swim and fish.

Edo Castle was built by Ota Dokan in 1457. After the collapse of the Tokugawa shogunate in 1868, the castle was confiscated by the new government and became the Imperial Palace.

Hikone Jo Castle was built in the mid-sixteenth century, and belongs to the golden era of architecture early seventeenth century. Form is fully preserved castle, including defensive sections. The reconstruction of castles in Japan is very difficult and expensive, because they no longer makes the old technology and new innovations are used in concrete.

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