Natural attractions in Guinea

Guinea is a country in West Africa, nestled between the countries of Senegal, Mali, Cote d'Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea-Bissau. Attractions in Guinea are not among the leaders in this area of the world, but you can still celebrate the most interesting among them. Natural is the first place - Mount Nimba Nature Reserve.

Because Guinea shares a border with Senegal in good intentions you can visit the most important attractions in Senegal. It is located on the territory of three countries - Liberia, Ivory Coast and Guinea. Extremely beautiful natural attraction of 1981 is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The reserve is actually a mountain rising above the surrounding savannah, covered with dense forest. Here you can see a lot of endemic animal and plant species that are found only here.

Among them are laboring live frog, several chimpanzees, 2,000 species of vascular plants, 107 species of mammals and more. The majority of Mount Nimba Reserve is located in Guinea and you can visit all year round.

We do not recommend viewing Mount Nimba in the territory of Liberia, because there are areas in which there are land mines since the last civil war. Iles de Los is another landmark in Guinea representing the three islands - Tamara, Kassa and Roume. Bookmark and Share

Attractions in Guinea photo gallery

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Historical attractions in Guinea

Interest to tourists are the remains of the prison where they were tortured slaves , and the large amount of minerals mined here . Of Iles de Los can stay in small hotels , which are bungalows, and during the day you can walk along the beautiful beaches covered with fine sand and lush vegetation .

In good will can explore the islands for a day , organizing hikes and walks in the flora and fauna in the area. Best conditions for tourism in Guinea Conakry is the capital . The city is situated on the Atlantic Ocean.

Conakry Pearl of Guinea

Conakry is very colorful African city that is worth considering. The first attraction here is the Camp Boiro. This is a military base - in the past have become very atrocities on political prisoners.

Another landmark is the Palais des Nations - this is the headquarters of the Organization of African Unity. Grande Mosquee last most interesting sights in the capital Conakry. The mosque was opened in 1984 and holds up to 10,000 worshipers.

Entry of visitors to the temple is not allowed, but there are specially built external routes Tour of tourists. The architecture is unique and you will not regret if you look very sgrada.Tuk tomb of Sekou Toure, who many honors population.

150 km from Conakry is the most beautiful waterfall in Guinea - Bridal Veil. The height of the waterfall is 80 meters, which after rain creates a veil like a bride's veil, hence its name. Around Bridal Veil has built 10 comfortable bungalows where you can stay.

Interest to tourists is a natural education resembling the head of a woman Lady of Mali. Here nature tinkered over the years to form this rock phenomenon.

Even the local people have invented this legend. If you visit this attraction in Guinea to find out more about the beliefs of the people of Guinea.

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